CE 2464
CE No: 2464
The company MB FRIGO GRUPA d.o.o. is the holder of CE certificate number 2464, issued by TÜV NORD Adriatic. This certificate confirms the compliance of Arctic series products with the European Directive 2014/68/EU on pressure equipment.
Scope of the certificate:
- Type of pressure equipment: ARCTIC AL (Category I), ARCTIC AE (Category I and II), ARCTIC AS (Category I and II), ARCTIC AC (Category II).
- Applied standards and technical specifications: HRN EN 14276-1:2020, HRN EN 14276-2:2020, HRN EN 378-1:2020, HRN EN 378-2:2016, HRN EN 378-3:2020, HRN EN 378-4:2019.
MB FRIGO GRUPA d.o.o. is entitled to mark the pressure equipment produced within the range of this module with the mark CE 2464.
ISO 14509:2013
Certificate No: 02-004035/025815
The EN 14509:2013 certificate confirms the high quality and reliability of self-supporting polyurethane (PUR) insulation panels, used in walls and ceilings. This certificate verifies the compliance of the product with European standards for construction products according to Regulation (EU) No. 305/2011.
The scope of the certificate includes:
- Product: Self-supporting insulating panels with polyurethane (PUR), ARCTICELL model.
- Panel thickness: ≥ 80 mm.
- Sheet thickness: 0.5–1.0 mm.
- Reaction to fire: Class C-s3, d0 according to tests included in the certificate.
- Intended use: Walls and ceilings.
This certificate confirms that all provisions relating to the assessment and verification of the constancy of product performance have been implemented according to system 1, which includes strict factory production control.
CE No: 0497
The company MB FRIGO GRUPA d.o.o. is certified under the standard EN 14509:2013 for its ARCTICELL factory-prepared cold room elements for internal use. This CE certificate confirms that our panels meet all European requirements for safety, quality, and technical performance.
Panel specifications:
- Insulation: PUR (polyurethane) foam
- Core density: 42 kg/m³ (±15%)
- Panel thickness: ≥ 80 mm
- Panel weight: 80(12.6) – 100(13.6) – 120(14.6) – 160(16.6) kg; tol. ±3%
- External facing: DX 51+ZM120 or stainless steel (SS AISI 304/316), 0.5-0.6 mm
- Internal facing: DX 51+ZM120 or stainless steel (SS AISI 304/316), 0.5-0.6 mm
- Coating: Polyester SP 25 (food-safe coating)
Mechanical properties:
- Tensile strength: 250-320 MPa
- Ultimate strength: 380-385 MPa
- Elongation: 32-41%
Thermal and mechanical properties:
- Thermal conductivity (λ value): 0.022 W/mK
- Recommended application temperature difference: 80 K (36°C), 160 K (74°C)
- Tensile strength: min. 0.077 MPa
- Compressive strength: min. 0.15 MPa
- Reaction to fire: Class Cs3d0
This certificate confirms that ARCTICELL panels are reliable, durable, and safe for use in refrigeration systems, complying with the highest standards.
ISO 9001:2015
Certificate No: Q191BD0311D
The ISO 9001:2015 certificate confirms our commitment to providing high-quality products and services, including sales, engineering, production, and servicing of air conditioning and refrigeration systems.
The certificate was awarded by the independent certification body TQV ADRIA Ltd., officially confirming our business compliance with the highest international quality management standards.
The scope of the certificate includes:
- Sales, engineering, production, and servicing of air conditioning and refrigeration systems.
- Design, manufacture, and maintenance of refrigeration and air conditioning systems for various industrial applications.
ISO 14001:2015
Certificate No: E191BD0311D
The ISO 14001:2015 certificate confirms our commitment to responsible environmental management in all aspects of our business.
The certificate was awarded by the independent certification body TQV ADRIA Ltd., officially confirming our compliance with the highest international environmental management standards.
The scope of the certificate includes:
- Sales, engineering, production, and servicing of air conditioning and refrigeration systems.
- Manufacture and maintenance of refrigeration and air conditioning systems with a focus on environmental preservation and sustainability.
ISO 45001:2018
Certificate No: S191BD0311B
The 45001:2018 certificate confirms our commitment to ensuring the highest standards in the field of occupational health and safety.
The certificate was awarded by the independent certification body TQV ADRIA Ltd., officially confirming our compliance with the highest international quality management standards.
The scope of the certificate includes:
- Sales, engineering, production, and servicing of air conditioning and refrigeration systems.
- Maintenance and servicing of refrigeration and air conditioning systems with a focus on ensuring the highest standards of workplace safety.